About Us
One fine day, one of our owners was sitting on a toilet seat, scrolling endlessly through a barrage of short-form content. It had been almost 30 minutes now. There was a queue of people desperately standing outside, banging the door to be let in. They could have used the other empty toilet seats but our owner, under some euphoria, had locked the whole mens’ washroom shut.
While chaos ensued outside, a light dawned upon him inside. Well, there was literally a spotlight light aimed at him, exposing his half bald head and his insecurities. That’s where it hit him, he needs to sponsor his own hair transplant to fight these insecurities that have been plaguing him since the mere age of 25.
That’s how Shop Football was born. Beyond the obvious purpose of sponsoring his own hair transplant, he figured that there was not enough football related merchandise to show our love, passion, & support for our favorite players and clubs beyond jerseys and some club related merchandise.
Shop Football started keeping that gap in mind and whatever we make aims towards closing that gap. While we want the transplant to happen as quickly as possible, we want to bring you exclusive designs and premium clothing at affordable prices to make it accessible for everyone.
With your continuous love & support (and monnies), we want to expand our collection so that we can serve each one of you fans of the beautiful game out there. Our Moments collection is live and we plan to encapsulate many more iconic moments from Footballing history into our products. We plan to launch newer collections as well in time.
We’re always open to suggestions and if you have any, you may reach out to us through instagram DMs or write to us at shopfutballstore@gmail.com